Prepare Your Landscape for Winter: Essential Fall Tips
Fall is here!
As the Texas heat begins to subside, it's the perfect time to rediscover the beauty of your outdoor space. After a scorching summer, many landscapes need a little extra TLC. We'll explore key tips and insights to help your landscape recover and thrive this fall.
1. Rehydrate Your Lawn and Garden:
This summer's extreme heat may have left your lawn and garden parched. Begin by deeply watering your landscape to restore essential moisture. Focus on deep, infrequent watering rather than shallow, frequent watering to encourage strong root growth. Consider using MicroLife Ocean Harvest or MicroLife Liquid Humates Plus with your waterings or in between waterings to help replenish nutrients quickly. If you see disease or disease potential try using MicroGro Liquid AF - Biological Plant Defender.
2. Fertilize and Aerate:
Fall is a crucial time to provide your plants with the nutrients they need to recover and thrive. Fertilize your lawn and garden beds with a balanced fertilizer like MicroLife Multi-Purpose 6-2-4 & MicroLife Hybrid 20-0-5 or for lawns and gardens prone to disease pressure use MicroLife Brown Patch 5-1-3. Additionally, consider suggesting aeration of lawns to improve water penetration and root development but be sure the heat of summer is gone before causing more stress to your landscapes.
3. Plant Fall-Friendly Foliage:
Add a splash of color to your landscape with fall-friendly plants such as mums, pansies, and ornamental kale. These plants not only brighten up garden beds and containers but also thrive in cooler temperatures. To ensure these new additions acclimate well, consider using the MicroLife Color Success Program or JRM Transplant Packs. Don’t forget to apply mulch to help retain moisture and regulate soil temperature during the transition, but avoid volcano mulching.
4. Prune and Trim:
Now is a great time to prune back overgrown or damaged branches. This not only improves the look of your landscape but also promotes healthy new growth. Just be careful not to over-prune, as plants can still be sensitive after a stressful summer. Keys To Proper Pruning
5. Sod Webworms:
I am starting to hear reports of Sod Webworm activity and damage. Be vigilant and keep an eye open for adult moths and feeding damage from the caterpillars. There is no need to use toxic chemicals to control Sod Webworms. Check out my tip sheet here. Sod Webworm Tip Sheet
6. Plan for Next Year:
Use this time to plan for the future. Think about any changes or additions you'd like to make this fall that will help spring be what you want it to be. MicroLife will also be rolling out our early order program in the coming months to help you be better prepared for spring.
We're passionate about helping you create a beautiful and thriving outdoor space. Together, we can transform your landscape into a haven of relaxation and enjoyment.
Contact Us for a Free Consultation
If you have any questions, please give us a call at 713-360-6924 or email us at Our team of experts is here to assist you with all your landscape design and installation needs in the Houston, TX area. We look forward to hearing from you and transforming your outdoor space.